Monday 6 August 2018

Religion Has a Horrific History. Can it Survive?

What is it that will allow religion to make a come back or is it domed?

Christianity made one very big mistake.  It claims to be the one and only truth and has used that belief as a justification to destroy other cultures and spiritual beliefs thinking it is for the good of the pagan believers..  This no longer flies.   We are stepping back some and respecting others and their way of life.  But is it too late?

Many of the next one or two generations now are not going to church and do not accept the biblical line and myths and cultures of thousands of years ago.  Those that take the christian bible literally fine some comfort in it but most of the time it is more about entertainment then serious spiritual life.

What are our choices?  Where are our younger people looking for spiritual growth?  Or are they so turned off that they are not looking at all.  Is Technology is the new religion?  We fill our every moment with technical communication on phones, ipads and the like.  There is no time for such things a spiritual path.  We are kept way too busy doing absolutely nothing surfing the web or texting friends or putting photos on our phones feeding our ego.

So what now that an important part of humanities energies are even more under attack with egocentric activities that ensure only half of our being is developing and being controlled by those in charge of the technology items? 

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